Shakthi Shri

AuthorShakthi Shri

On: December 4, 2018
In: Lifestyle
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I remember this as one of my friends told me that happiness is a destiny that some attain and some do not. But I don’t agree with it completely. Of course, it’s a destiny that, if we could push ourselves a little towards it, it could be attained. Did I say attain? Yes, you are reading it correctly. Happiness is a state of mind, and everyone experiences it in one form or another. It’s a state that just takes many forms. Here’s a simple demonstration: H2O water, by its common name, stays in floating liquid form at room temperature, solidifies when it’s frozen, and vaporises when heated. So, is happiness when someone says unpleasing words? You just get heated up and outburst your anger. When someone appreciates you, you float with joy. To experience happiness, you need to be happy. Life is definitely a proper mixture of joy and sorrow for everyone. However, the proportion may vary from person to person depending on how they handle their situation. Your entire life may definitely not be filled with either happiness or sadness alone; it’s an equal combination of both. If you look at history, all great men have been through both happy and sad phases in their lives. In fact, if you don’t experience sad moments, you may miss out on finding the happy moments you had in your life, but you will still be starving to find happiness. If you split your life into two phases, one happy and the other sad, You may be surprised that even in the sad phase, you might have experienced a happy moment, and vice versa, which is also a true fact. So, don’t just blame the time for bringing safety into your life. Time changes every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Out of the 24 hours you have for a day, you are definitely neither going to be sad nor happy; it is always a balance of both. Small people just experience the happy phase and never try to realise the reason behind a sad phase in life. Average people experience a happy phase and realise they also have a sad phase, but they abstain from understanding it. Great people experience only a happy phase, even when they are going through a sad phase. That’s what makes them outpower others to achieve goals and succeed. All those great minds out there simply make all your life count by living every single second with full contentment of being in a state of happiness. Remember, happiness is a state of mind. Now, it’s up to you to decode your secret to happiness. Meet you all in another interesting article. Information Article#1,week1


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